Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday afternoon tea and sculpture browsing...

I've been visiting my mom at Fox Island and looking at some clay pieces I'm working on inspired by couples' dance poses. Looking at sculpture on etsy, I found some wonderful head sculptures that inspire me too.
Artists include: Cheshire cat by tonytahoe
Who am I by ceramiclove
polymer clay sculpture by deetsy
Spring tide by cobaltmoonchild
Yellow head by jennymendes
The Missing Name Creation by ceramiclove
Cat head with cherry by murtondishes
Ed by mwedge


Rhea said...

Thank you so much for including my baby head sculpture in your blog! You have some very interesting thoughts and insights into the artistic world. :) Much appreciated!

suzanne cabrera said...

This is a beautiful survey. Thanks so much for sharing!

bbX2090 said...

Hi, you really need to give each artist credit by posting their names, title of the artwork, the medium it was created in and if possible the size and date it was created. If it is owned by a museum include that name of the museum. This is the respected standard format. It looks like this:
Title, Artist, medium (oil on canvas) (photograph), size (8” x 10”), date (2021), institution of ownership (Museum of Modern Art, NY) (private collection) (Estate of the artist). Not doing this is very disrespectful to the artist that created the work and not helpful to folks looking at the work who may want to further investigate the artists work. Even if your interest in art is a passing fancy or you “just like the way it looks” or “think it is cool” the people that worked hard to create the work that you find interesting still need to be credited. It is a matter of human respect and professional courtesy.