Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday afternoon tea and sculpture browsing...

I've been visiting my mom at Fox Island and looking at some clay pieces I'm working on inspired by couples' dance poses. Looking at sculpture on etsy, I found some wonderful head sculptures that inspire me too.
Artists include: Cheshire cat by tonytahoe
Who am I by ceramiclove
polymer clay sculpture by deetsy
Spring tide by cobaltmoonchild
Yellow head by jennymendes
The Missing Name Creation by ceramiclove
Cat head with cherry by murtondishes
Ed by mwedge

Friday, May 28, 2010

Photography and movement that inspires me...

I haven't felt like I've had much to say on my blog recently. I've been working a little for the Census and I have been procrastinating on making labels for my necklaces and purses so they can be shown at a store. Also, my birthday just passed and I can't believe I'm 34. I have started exercising again which is painful but necessary. A mixture of growth and stagnation. Here are some beautiful images that I love looking at and sometimes drawing and using them as inspiration for my art.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Browsing through etsy on a beautiful spring day...

Here are some cool items that I found while thinking of my Mom and how she likes gardening and garden sculptures...I hope that you enjoy them too.
The artists of these pieces are:
Flock of Feral Glass by FeralGlass
Grass Hopper by frivoloustendencies
Illuminated Crow by Crows Cloth
Illusion by GardenAdornment
Indian Mask by RobinsonMendanka
Metal Scroll Art Planter by KnobCreekMetalArts
Laughing friend by AdrienArt

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thinking about mothers makes me think of Almodovar...

I had a yearning to see "All About My Mother" last week which is one of my favorite Pedro Almodovar movies. I wasn't even thinking of mother's day until after the movie and thinking about the entwining relationships of women in it. What I love about this movie is the complexity of emotion and how the actors seem like real women, not models emoting. There is real a woman losing her son in a second to a speeding car, and the camera turns upside down, just like her world after seeing her son dying. I promise that I won't reveal any more plot!
I really recommend it especially as an artist--the movie has wonderful bright colors and great camera angles that inspire me in my work. I have always felt that movies inspire me a lot as does dance. Movies have to have good composition for every single shot in it so I think looking at good ones really teaches you.
Also, regarding mother's day it reminds you of just how much mothers sacrifice for their children and how many mixed emotions go into a mother-child relationship.
Is there anyone else who is inspired by movies and which ones are they? Drop me a line and let me know...