Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More pics of sheep box--now with the collage images

Here is the sheep box with more paint and images. The front of the box has images of sheep that I sketched from photos and the other images are cut out from magazines. I hope to be doing many more custom boxes in the future so if you have an idea for a unique box contact me at my etsy shop http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5894609 and we can talk about what you'd like to see.

New custom box! sheep theme

I've been working on my first custom box for my fabulous client Tamara. Its been a lot of fun finding the textures and images for the theme of sheep. That's whats fun about a custom box, it pushes you past your own images to think of something else. I have a big box of images cut out from magazines so I sorted out my mess--I hadn't looked in there for ages and I couldn't find what I wanted at first. Once I'd organized my images into people,patterns,and objects ( I used big ziplock bags cause that's all I had)then I could find what I wanted. Ziplock bags are actually okay for this use I think, but if you didn't want the corners bent it might be a problem. Also these bags have those areas to write in which was handy.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cool, look !